Friday, December 24, 2010

December 22 - 23, 2010... Getting Acclimatized at the Pole

On December 22, 2010, we just surveyed places to decide where two of our Space Science systems are going to be. We stopped by the South Pole and took some pictures at Southern end of the world. This was the highlight of the day. More excitement followed with our snow mobile training in the afternoon. A snow mobile is a pretty cool and useful vehicle. We used two machines for four of us for the coming days, to go to our farthest site, move stuff around etc. We got our stuff moved to our work place. A cherry on the cake for me was I got to see sundogs that day.

Sundogs. The picture is not that great though.. It was just too bright, I could hardly see my camera screen.. I do have a video on my flip. I will upload it on youtube once I get back to US.

Me riding a snow mobile.

December 23 was the third day at South Pole and we were already in on the ice shoveling, setting up our stuff. While your body is trying to get acclimatized, i.e. while it is already working hard to settle up oxygen level, heart and respiration rate, you need to take it a bit easy by not giving the body extra muscle work. I learnt a tough lesson that day. My body could not take the strain. That resulted in shortness of breath, high respiration and heart rate, and dry cough and fever. I had to stay back for next couple of days to avoid any medical complications and high altitude sickness.

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