Saturday, December 18, 2010

December 18, 2010 ... Wrapping up work and some fun time

We met our mountaineer in the morning got all our work, food collection checked. The next task was to get the cargo properly packed ready to ship. We got each and every packet with its contents registered in the McMurdo Cargo system (We had 27 packets in our list!)

I attended a 2 hour communication class to know in detail about the VHF, HF and Iridium communications in Antarctica. These communication modes may get some interruptions. The GPS navigation system always works fine even in Antarctica with visibility of at least 10 satellites all the time.

The work was done and now was some time to relax. There was a "Women Soiree" that evening. It was a small charity function cum talent show arranged by women in McMurdo. We thoroughly enjoyed it..

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