Sunday, October 7, 2007

An Inconvenient Truth

This is not a movie review.. This is just a long awaited chain of thoughts being written here.. Since my childhood, I had been thinking about the 'non-childish' issues like the pollution around, the population explosion and ways to reduce the global warming/ climate crisis.. The public awareness lectures, discovery channel programs and the long discussions with my father were probably responsible for this.. I had been taking active part in some programs regarding environmental issues at school and college level. I could have even pursued it more seriously as my career if some other passion would not have been more dominating..

Now, while pursuing my career, I shall also keep up my work on environmental issues for sure. But I am wondering, if there at all is any solution to the problem of global warming.. Have we gone beyond repairing the global warming issue? Can't we do anything? My dangerously optimistic mind does not let me lose hope. I love this blue planet and am sure there are more such people.. We will figure a way out..

By the way, before I saw this movie, a few days back, I went to a presentation by Anousheh Ansari, a private internet explorer and a co-founder of the Ansari X prize. It was a good trigger to my sleeping thoughts on the issue of 'saving our planet earth'.. Doesn't the blue globe look beautiful from outside? As Anousheh rightly said, one won't see any boundaries from out there.. Just the calm, gorgeous blue ball.. Our 'only' home.. We need to protect this place. With the current rate of exploiting resources on the poor earth, I guess in near future, we will have no option but look for a new place to stay. It will be definitely millions of miles away from our current location.. (Ha! Is that why I am doing Astronomy ;) )

Coming back to the movie, the graphs and real life evidences shown in 'An Inconvenient Truth' are definitely astounding and give a wake up call! I don't care about anything else in the movie but the vivid pictures.. We need to take measures.. Oh well, why do we at all need to save energy, live a thrifty life and worry about the future of the planet? I think all the young minds in the whole world must realize that this is a combined responsibility on shoulders.. If we refuse this right now, we would be cursed for a horrendous future of our next generations..

Now, where do we need to start? What do we do? Any easier way to do it at individual level? Indeed there is.. First and foremost is digesting this very 'Inconvenient Truth'. The rest will follow.. Once a person decides to do something really important in order to save his life or if not that at least his home, the earth, eventually rest of the things will follow.. (I presume so!) Remember, where there is a will there is a way.. :) Educating thyself on this issue, careful use of resources and finally a sense of ethical/moral burden should help solve this problem in due course of time.. I wish more people will find out their own ways to contribute to this global movement of saving the planet earth..


Skylight said...

I saw chutki(kshitija) picking up the leftover bottles in the trip to the hills, I surprised and also had a good feeling with what I saw.. This girl is really taking care of the things around, thats how we define the enviornment right ?

Now here is the thoughts that I can gather in this letter for you about the same.

First of all remember Darwin theory. It clearly says nature does the selection, it dictates who is to live ans who have to leave. Now just count on this. Nature selects who is to live, same words again. What mankind are doing on the contrary ? We are making nature hospitable for us, more clearly, we are changing to to our like, such that we can have a comfortable stay.
Count on this. We are fighting nature, we are not letting it be where it is. Then we need to pay. Nature is like a big reservoir, once you like to change it, it will like to maintain its own status, and fight back to make your effort go in vain. Every step we go ahead, nature in some way come back to the same good old nature.
What we see as the global warming and all other things are jest the fighting back of nature. And we surely will loose the fight, meaning an extinction. We often just forget that we are also a part of the nature, a very important constituent. Its just a two way interaction. You make cold water in the fridge, you also make some CFC which breaks the Ozone and brings the sun in to your backyard. This is just a equilibrium we are in and we have almost no potential to change it any way.
We talk about the technological advent, what actually it have given us ? Check this out. We have improved our weapon systems over the years. Earlier what can kill 1 people at a glance, can now annihilate a city with one trillion people. What is that you are looking at. This is the intra species struggle as in there in the theory of evolution nothing else. You have more population, more war, mass weapons and at the end an extinction. This was there to be.
Sound may it odd, we are no way better today than the ancient man who first looked at the sky. We have changed a lot, but also have made it too complicated to go back to there. Can you think of going back to the caves ? Ha, thats just a mad person can suggest right ?

I have no idea what it may lead to, but I have the thought about this for a long time, and from my little knowledge, this is what all I can gather here.

kriti said...

welcome to blog land.

and i am already pained by the "inconvenient truth"

kriti said...

nice thoughts left by prasun. simply accept the truth - extinction is what we are fighting against.

Shreya said...

Its good to awake early than before its too late....& we must save our mother land & all the living creatures,due to us all the living creatures give their life with no reason !!!thats too bad & we ought to stop it From u tai(sis)I have learned a lot of things & I will definetly try to stop this things that may ruin our future generation's lives....

kd said...

Some quotes from ´Sacred Space´ of the Times of India on Oct 15, 2007 under the title ´Planet Truths´...

Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realise we cannot eat money. - Cree Indian proverb

I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spends less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority. -Elwyn B White

There are no passengers on Spaceship Earth. We are all crew. - Marshall McLuhan

Oh Beautiful for smoggy skies,
insecticided grain,
For strip-mined mountainÅ› majesty above the asphalt plain.
America, America, man sheds his waste on thee,
And hides the pines with billboard signs, from sea to oily sea. - George Carlin

kd said...

UN challenges states on warming:

Shantanu said...

Hi this post just now...i kno m joining the discussion pretty late but nevertheless :)

hmmm...wat u say about global warming and we needing to do our bit is definitely true without a shred of doubt...thr hs to be a global movement for this and better sooner than later...however,i wud like to draw ur attention to the 'severity' of the situation...yes,we are getting short of fuel,yes,the pollution levels are at an all time high,yes,we waste a LOT of energy in our day to day life...and thts why thrs so much we can do abt it...but this whole 'Global Warming' and 'Extinction' thing is kinda an overreactive thing...i mean the political agenda behind it...if u wish to know wat i mean,plz try to get a little deeper into the stats...or for starters,u can read State of Fear' by Michael Crichton...its a fictional work wit global warming as its backdrop but the stats and facts in thr r real and wel researched by Crichton himself...
u can get an idea how this issue is being made into a polotical agenda generally over the world and specifically in the US of A...
thrs scant doubt we need to take utmost care of our beloved planet but thrs even lesser doubt tht we need to stay clear of getting embroled in this socio-political stuff!
i gues 'Charity begins at home' (or to be more relevant 'each 1 take care of his own little area')shud be our motto :D