Thursday, November 8, 2007

spreading smiles..

I can sketch people on a drawing paper better than I can with a pen and paper.. But this time I am going to give a try to sketch one personality here..

... You are rushing for the morning classes.. You manage to barely catch this bus.. But when you enter the bus, you are greeted by a broad smile and a "Good morning!.. How are you doing today?! ".. I smile back.. And there I know that my day is going to be as bright as that smile! You must have guessed whom I am talking about. There is this BT (our college bus) driver I am speaking about. I am fortunate enough to travel most of the times by his bus and that's why I could observe him in detail..

I would like to mention here that my conception about social attitudes of people with different colors and from different places completely failed when I came in proximity of this person. I found a lovely zephyr in that elderly smile. This was indeed soothing while I was surrounded by hypocrites in a foreign country.

I would like to tell here an incident because of which my reverence for this man reached a point where I started seeing a fatherly image in him.. It is 9.40am.. Not everyone is in a rush for the classes.. We reach some place where two grannies (80+) get in with a 'gifted' lady. (I have adopted this word from one of my friends. It is the best way to tell everyone who the mentally challenged people really are.. ) There comes one more 50+ lady with one more person in wheelchair. The man in wheelchair hardly can make any movements. You look at the group and start thinking about how a human can be challenged by life and start feeling sympathy about the lot.. But before you even realize anything about the lot, our driver uncle gets up from his chair.. Greets them with his broad, cheering smile and helps them get in the bus one by one.. Welcomes all with a number of "Good morning!.."s, even to the gifted one without getting exasperated at all.. While helping the wheelchair secure on the bus, humbly tells them "I am so glad to have you all today with me!..." .. This is the first time I saw someone doing so much for others in this country.. When other students were getting irritated because of the slight delay and the humdrum going on, this person was doing his duty with a heart full of love! That incident made my day!

There are more people in the world who face everyone with a grim or a straight face.. there are a few who greet people selectively.. and there are very few who spread smiles contiguously that is irrespective to whom they are smiling at.. It is said that one simple innocent smile can make significant difference in someone's life. I am sure I found at least one person from that category here in USA... :)